Food for thought #9 (Stockpiling toilet roll makes you a bad person. Discuss.)

"Food for thought", Life

corona 1

DISCLAIMER: This is not a blog post about Coronavirus, I repeat, this is not a blog post about Coronavirus. It’s a blog post about the carelessness, irrationality and, quite frankly, insufferable stupidity of some people. Not meant to offend, just to make you laugh. Enjoy and stay safe!

“Cyclists are dickheads.” (Post 4.0: A Letter to a Fresher)

linguisticallysorry, University


Dear whomever may be reading this,

The rules for being a student in Edinburgh are as follows:

  1. Never, and I repeat never, wear shoes you can’t walk up a hill in, or over cobbles… cobbles are a bitch.
  2. Bagpipes – get yourself on good-terms with them, quickly. Need I say more?
  3. Always have a bobble on your wrist, or a hat in your bag, ‘cos it can get rather windy up here.
  4. Like #3, literally staple your scarf to your clothes or it WILL blow over to Glasgow.
  5. Cyclists are dickheads.
  6. The Scottish accent may take some time getting attuned to, just keep at it.
  7. You can, and will, be offered haggis at some point in the immediate future. #supposeddelicacy
  8. The famous 10 o’clock booze run – known to all, hated by all, challenged by all.
  9. Water tastes better from the taps here than anywhere else… idk how, it just does, OK?
  10. Cyclists are still dickheads.

Above are just the top 10 rules for student life in the land of the Scots, or what should be the top 10 in my opinion, and there are many more. Trust me on this one.

“WORK. EAT. SLEEP. REPEAT.” (Post 3.0: Procrastination vs. Revision)

linguisticallysorry, University


Dear whomever may be reading this,

I’ve watched five episodes of Modern Family (hilar), drunk two cups of coffee (STRONG), cleaned my bedroom (thoroughly), twice, and took several online quizzes about what kind of sandwich I would be – I’m a ‘Mozzarella, pesto and fresh tomato panini’ in case you were wondering – all to avoid revision.

“I’m a uni-fetus”. (Post 2.0: Workloads and Checklists)

linguisticallysorry, University


Dear whomever may be reading this,

They always say the second album is the toughest – could the same be said for blogging?

So, new day (it is 1am and I am writing), new goals, and with new goals come new challenges. University is full of challenges: some new; some exciting; some fucking boring and daunting and seemingly-pointless, and others are simply marked with a Scarlet “(cb)A”.

This range of challenges may seem scary at first but do NOT panic, students, Mama LS gotcha!