Hear me out #10 (Sentence recap: stop kneecapping!)

"Hear me out"

To celebrate International Women’s Day, I decided to write this month’s language-related blog post about one of the many, many issues I’ve noticed when it comes to language and gender (shout out to all my other sociolinguists!). This issue is only one instance of gendered vernacular that contributes towards taking a measure of free will out of speech for a particular demographic– which sucks BIG TIME!

“Legs in Lace”, Jenni Granholm

Ever read over an email, text or, heck, an Instagram post for a “fluff check” before sending it on its merry way into the dangerous digital world?

This involves scanning your writing for any superfluous language that you’ve added out of habit to make your sentences sound more “peachy-keen” (read: more appropriate for insecure men, i.e., less demanding or assertive).

Such habits aren’t so easy to kick.

And studies show that this habit most often plagues women.

DUN, DUN, DUNNNNN… and that’s what we call a gender issue, people!

Topics include, but are not limited to: peachy-keenness, boss ladies, owning your emails, and the j-word.