Food for thought #20 (“No, Not All Men, But Probably You” (Trigger Warning))

"Food for thought", Life

[Trigger warning: discussion of sexual assault and rape that some readers may find difficult.]

You hear stories, all the time, of women being sexually assaulted in clubs or bars by strangers, in their flats by friends, in places where they thought they were safe by men they thought they could trust

You hear these stories, all the time, on social media and in group chats with your girlfriends and at work over lunch breaks. These stories are whispered in passing and weaved into television plots, used as advertising strategies for brands and exploited by the media. They’re everywhere.

These stories are told time and time again to warn women how to dress and how to act. To stay in groups and in streetlights and on full-alert 24/7.

“Text me when you get home” is permanently stored in my phone as an automatic message due to the amount of times I’ve sent it to other women after nights out, or lunch dates or, heck, 9am university lectures.

You hear these stories of sexual assault but you never think you’ll be the one telling them because you did everything right– you followed the rules (as if there’s a bloody rule book on how not to get sexually assaulted!).

You wore sensible shoes, you didn’t drink too much, you paid attention to the types of people you were with. You were good.

This blog post might be tough for some people to read (hence the trigger warning), but I wanted to throw my hat into the ring and use my voice to say, to shout and scream that, NO, NOT ALL MEN, BUT PROBABLY YOU*!

*The “not all men”ers.

Topics include, but are not limited to: sexual assaultsexual harassment, counseling, and empowering art for women.

Food for thought #19 (V-Day for Dummies)

"Food for thought", Life

Valentine’s Day: you can’t avoid it. Wherever you go— to your local supermarket or favourite coffee shop or, heck, even to the Uber eats website— you’re bombarded with love hearts, frills, and 2-for-1 offers.

I’ll leave the frills, thanks… but, by all means, give me the RUBBEDRAW4VDAY discount for Lovehoney.

If, like me, you’ve spent most of your Valentine’s Days replacing the V for G(etting hammered with your pals and ending the night with a hot bath and a trusty wank over McDreamy), you’re probably familiar with the concept of “bros before hoes”. Chicks before dicks. Fannies before mannies. And, my all-time favourite, thongs before dongs.

Yes, well-spotted: each of these expressions is referring to Girl Code, as in, the unspoken “code” between women that your friends come before any possible suitor (men having something similar called Bro Code that involves regularly trying to touch one another’s crotches but never sharing the same bed at a sleepover…very strange).

Affiliated with Girl Code is Galentine’s Day (and it’s gender-neutral term Palentine’s Day), a fairly new concept, heralded by the single pringles in spite of those who are already mid-mingle. Mingle, what an awful word. Whoever woke up one day and decided that “mingle” would become synonymous for “I’m ready to be penetrated”?! Awful, just plain awful.

Anyway, for someone who has proudly donned the Galentine’s Day sash for many, many moons, I’m vaguely aware that, this year, I must exchange my glorious sash for a new and shiny badge… an “I’m in a relationship and must, therefore, play along with this unimaginative, consumer-driven and totally arbitrary, manipulative and shallow tradition that contributes to capitalist gain” badge. Otherwise known as “Sorry, gals, I’m busy”.

Fortunately, I don’t feel as guilty* about doing this as I probably would’ve been, had the government rules allowed us to do anything but staying in and ordering a takeout (albeit with candles and a nice dessert afterwards!).

National lockdown, as frustrating (and necessary!) as it is, means that I can switch the single sash for the “I have a boyfriend” badge and pick my partner over my pals without so much as a “we’ll do the Zoom quiz next week— promise!”.

*One shouldn’t feel guilty for putting their relationship before their friendships, at least not all the time, I’ve just never been one of “those girls” #PerpetuallySingleByChoice

SO, with this new concept of February 14th in mind, I set out to educate myself on what “typical couples” do on the Day of Love.

Romantic™ bike rides along the canal, then a couple’s pottery class followed by eating spaghetti Lady & The Tramp style at a fancy-schmancy restaurant, before ending the night bathing in rose petals and watching Casablanca on Amazon Prime?

Sorry, babe, not for me.

Well, maybe the bath.

Actually, scrap that, how about you just deliver the pasta to me in the bath and make yourself scarce? You can choose what film we watch tonight?



SO, if, like me, 2020 was the year of a personality transplant and you suddenly find yourself in a relationship or you can’t quite shake your holidate or, heck, you’re popping your glorious sash-donning cherry, this blog post is for you!

Topics include, but are not limited to: McDreamygood vibes, V-day pie charts, and Things that Make Me Moist.

Food for thought #17 (Grinching it up 2.0: Ding Dong the Grinch is Dead)

"Food for thought", Life

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a— BLOODY HELL WHO CAME IN STEAMING AND TURNED OFF THE OVEN?!? DAD WAS SLOW-COOKING THE MEAT AND NOW CHRISTMAS IS RUINED!!!

Last Christmas (nope, not the Wham! song… unfortunately), I was complaining about festive music being played in November and people shortening “decorations” to “decs”. Heck, I even blogged about it.

This time last year, I was tired and miserable, powering through fourth year assignments and working a retail job during the festive period.

If anyone even uttered the words “crack a smile” in my vicinity, I was prepared to shove a bauble where the sun don’t shine. It was BAD.

It got so bad that I’d started mixing up “bah humbug” with familiar phrases in my life.

In uni, ‘This book that I’m reading for my dissertation’ soon became ‘This bah humbug that I’m reading…’ and a sure way to get your lecturers asking if you were a wee bit stressed and needed an extension (hey, the more you know). In work, ‘Would you like a bag with that’ became ‘Would you like a bah humbug with that’. In the bedroom, ‘I’m going to…’— ah, you see where I’m going with this…

This time last year, I was a certified Grinch™. HOWEVER, this year, having graduated in the summer and lived through a bloody pandemic, it seems that I’ve had a complete personality transplant.

No longer do I grumble at carol singers or frown at overly Christmassy people; I hum along to the tunes and nod politely in their direction. Heck, I might even give them a *gasps* smile!

No longer do I refuse to talk about presents, gifts, cadeaux until December 1st. No longer do I rip Christmas cards into shreds (alright, I never did this but, c’mon, what a waste of paper!).

No longer do I b*tch about Brussels sprouts and roasted chestnuts. I HAVE BEEN CURED!!!

When you know, you know…

2020 brought with it scary, new terminology, such as “social distancing” and the “r-rate”; phrases we hope to never have to use so frequently again.

It introduced many of us to the life-changing fact that hand sanitiser comes in other flavours, too— not just tequila.

Thinking back now to NYE, kissing as the fireworks went off and the clock turned 00:01 was symbolic of us kissing goodbye to some of our freedoms (even if, at the time, it just seemed like snogging the last fit person left at the party!).

The majority of 2020 has been spent “locked-down”, indoors, kept distracted by the sinister prospect of either: (1) losing our jobs, (2) our homes, (3) our friends and family members or, heck, (4) our minds— and if that wasn’t sinister enough, we had Tiger King and banana bread* to keep us busy!

*I genuinely don’t think I can eat banana bread ever again…

This year has been a complete and utter sh*t show and we all deserve a bit of happiness. SO, I say: LET THERE BE JOY (and a copious amount of choc!).

Looks like Santa came early…

Topics include, but are not limited to: festive foreplay, sleighing/neighing queens, chocolate tin wars, and Things to be Grateful For.

Food for thought #15 (Boob-ocalypse)

"Food for thought", Style

A lot of things have happened in 2020 (and we’ve not even hit Pumpkin Spice season yet!).

HOWEVER, FRET NOT, this blog post isn’t about politics or pandemics or, heck, even Tiger King. NOPE, it’s about boobs or, more specifically, their frequency in our art and culture, our social media, our… plant pots?

Continue reading for more “boob talk” and loads of INTERSPERSED (fancy word, I know!) cool boob art by loads of cool people.


Food for thought #14 (Having plans is exhausting)

"Food for thought", Life

POST-QUARANTINE. People, emerging from their socially-distanced bubbles of loungewear and “Zoom fatigue”. Shops, getting busier. Pubs, heavenly visions. Facemasks, controversial.

Narrator: Welcome to August 2020.

Food for thought #13.3 (Face masks are… challenging)

"Food for thought"


The dust is settling. The shops are reopening. It’s the year 2020 and the Face Mask Haters are out in full force.

Face Mask Haters (commonly shortened to FMH): a select group of individuals who, against official advice, choose not to wear face masks when in public; typically the same group of individuals who believe (1) rules don’t apply to them, (2) vaccines are bad for children, and (3) COVID-19 has been “made up by the government”– oh, yeah, and these people almost always ask to see the manager!

You know who I’m talking about? Of course you do; we all know someone like this!

This blog post consists of three short and snappy instalments (yes, instalments, fancy, I know!). In the first, I’ve tried to list a few reasons excuses as to why people might not wear face masks– and rebut them, with helpful advice, of course. The second includes several benefits of wearing a face mask (apart from the obvious health benefit, duh!); whilst the third includes some tips for survivors of sexual assault who find wearing face masks challenging, which I found while researching “Maskgate”, so do give that a read if you need to.

Enjoy, stay safe and, most importantly, wear your bloody face masks*!!!

*For you pedants out there, “face masks” is the inclusive term that I’ll be using to refer to anything that covers the face area (mouth and nose) but, more specifically, the basic fabric face masks– not the diver helmets or Halloween masks that have become frequent on social media. Stop being daft.

Food for thought #13.2 (Face masks are… fabulous)

"Food for thought"


The dust is settling. The shops are reopening. It’s the year 2020 and the Face Mask Haters are out in full force.

Face Mask Haters (commonly shortened to FMH): a select group of individuals who, against official advice, choose not to wear face masks when in public; typically the same group of individuals who believe (1) rules don’t apply to them, (2) vaccines are bad for children, and (3) COVID-19 has been “made up by the government”– oh, yeah, and these people almost always ask to see the manager!

You know who I’m talking about? Of course you do; we all know someone like this!

This blog post consists of three short and snappy instalments (yes, instalments, fancy, I know!). In the first, I’ve tried to list a few reasons excuses as to why people might not wear face masks– and rebut them, with helpful advice, of course. The second includes several benefits of wearing a face mask (apart from the obvious health benefit, duh!); whilst the third includes some tips for survivors of sexual assault who find wearing face masks challenging, which I found while researching “Maskgate”, so do give that a read if you need to.

Enjoy, stay safe and, most importantly, wear your bloody face masks*!!!

*For you pedants out there, “face masks” is the inclusive term that I’ll be using to refer to anything that covers the face area (mouth and nose) but, more specifically, the basic fabric face masks– not the diver helmets or Halloween masks that have become frequent on social media. Stop being daft.

Food for thought #13.1 (Face masks are… not the enemy)

"Food for thought"


The dust is settling. The shops are reopening. It’s the year 2020 and the Face Mask Haters are out in full force.

Face Mask Haters (commonly shortened to FMH): a select group of individuals who, against official advice, choose not to wear face masks when in public; typically the same group of individuals who believe (1) rules don’t apply to them, (2) vaccines are bad for children, and (3) COVID-19 has been “made up by the government”– oh, yeah, and these people almost always ask to see the manager!

You know who I’m talking about? Of course you do; we all know someone like this!

This blog post consists of three short and snappy instalments (yes, instalments, fancy, I know!). In the first, I’ve tried to list a few reasons excuses as to why people might not wear face masks– and rebut them, with helpful advice, of course. The second includes several benefits of wearing a face mask (apart from the obvious health benefit, duh!); whilst the third includes some tips for survivors of sexual assault who find wearing face masks challenging, which I found while researching “Maskgate”, so do give that a read if you need to.

Enjoy, stay safe and, most importantly, wear your bloody face masks*!!!

*For you pedants out there, “face masks” is the inclusive term that I’ll be using to refer to anything that covers the face area (mouth and nose) but, more specifically, the basic fabric face masks– not the diver helmets or Halloween masks that have become frequent on social media. Stop being daft.

Food for thought #11 (My Quest to Become A Quarantine Queen)

"Food for thought", Life


DISCLAIMER: I, like most of the world’s population, have been in quarantine for over two months and, with the newfound ability to see the light shining at the end of the metaphorical tunnel, thought it would be therapeutic (read: entertaining) to recap my time spent quarantining. Similar to my most recent posts written about Covid-19, this post is not intended to offend, or undermine the gravity of the pandemic; it is merely intended to make people laugh a little (or a lot) and, if I’m lucky, get a book deal. My love and thoughts go out to anyone affected by Covid-19. Enjoy and stay safe!

Food for thought #10 (“Social distancing”: an excuse to work on your “dating app chat”)

"Food for thought", Life


DISCLAIMER: Social distancing is incredibly serious and we should all follow the guidelines set by our government in order to help support health services and try to put an end to Covid-19. This post is intended as light humour and, quite frankly, written to take the piss out of the often banal, pathetic, and almost cringe-worthy messages received on dating apps. Enjoy and stay safe!